Nonstandard constructions – our offer
In addition to standard and individual stands, we also offer the construction of various structures for more unusual applications. Most often they are all kinds of cloakrooms, wardrobes, information points, partition walls and posters, reception desks, exhibitions and expositions, congresses and conferences, lighting ramps and much more! If you need a non-standard element, we will be happy to try to design it for the needs of your exhibition - both using the universal system ("OCTA"), but also conventional materials (wood, metal, glass, PVC). We also make all kinds of custom-made furniture.
Trusted us:
stoisko na targach w Krakowie, targi w Warszawie, targi w Poznaniu, tanie stoiska, wycena stoiska, cena stoiska targowego, stoisko wystawiennicze, ile kosztuje stoisko na targach, ile kosztuje stoisko targowe, wystawy, ekspozycje, projektowanie wystaw, system wystawienniczy Kraków, recepcja, punkt informacyjny, eventy