What exactly are 'Standard stands'? What do we offer?
Standard stands are based on universal "OCTA" exhibition system. It consists of octagonal aluminium posts and connectors (usually white or silver colored) filled with walls. Construction using this system has many advantages – it allows for expansions, allows to keep low costs (mainly because of using the same materials repeatedly) and also allows for a very fast assembly. Stands of this type will work best on fairs and events, but will also be useful for smaller exhibitions. It is possible to construct nonstandard elements such as: receptions, wardrobes, changing rooms (if you are interested in such and other unique constructions, go to Other constructions and exhibitions.)
Standard stand construction usually consists of building the stand, taping material covering under the stand, preparing the electrical connectivity, lighting setup, furniture and preparing a simple sticker with the name of the exhibitor in front of the stand.
Standard stalls are additionally (on a request) equipped with unusual lighting, graphics, multimedia equipment and other.
We had a great pleasure to construct stands and exhibitions for many of our clients on countless fairs and congress centers like: EXPO-KRAKÓW, EXPO SILESIA, Kielce Fairs, Ptak Warsaw EXPO, EXPO XXI, International Poznan Fairs, MAKiS, ICE Kraków czy Lublin Fairs.
Different types of standard stands:
From draft to assembly:
When we agree on basic terms of cooperation and establish the needs for the construction (approximate size, place and date of the event, other requests of the client) – we will prepare the offer. On a special request we can also prepare a plan/arrangement of the position of stands on the fairs (top view). Standard offer consists of transport, assembly and disassembly, electricity and lighting setup. We also provide service during the event.
Examples of our standard stand constructions:
Trusted us:
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